Hey there! Thanks for dropping by Orman Ranch! Take a look around
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PLEASE NOTE: Road construction detour to Ranch

Due to the road construction on Humboldt Road access to the ranch is going to have to be made from the North. Humboldt Road South of Ranch is going to be closed till after camping season. 2017.

From Hwy 101 go East on Elk Valley Road (turn at Chevron Gas), right onto Howland Hill Road then Right onto Humboldt Road. WE are the last Right turn before road closure after Forest View Ct across from Peveler Ave


From Hwy 199 turn left onto Parkway Drive (just as you come out of Redwoods) first left onto Elk Valley Road left onto Howland Hill Road then Right onto Humboldt Road. WE are the last Right turn before road closure after Forest View Ct across from Peveler Ave

Thank You!


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